Firng Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is applicable to any personal information, which is given by you via the website/apps

"You", “User(s)” shall mean you shall mean you, the user of the Site. “Firng”, "We”, “Us" means Firng and any member/s from Firng associate / affiliate companies.

1. What information we collect about you
2. Who is collecting the data
3. How we will use this information
4. How data is stored and who it could be shared with
5. Cookies
6. Other websites/apps
7. Jurisdiction

1. What information we collect about you

For the purposes mentioned in the following paragraph “Why it is being collected” we collect the following categories of personal data when you register on our website/apps, participate in our surveys/ competitions or subscribe to our newsletters, alerts or other services via third party public data that you have already put on to the public domain such as Facebook and Google or what you insert as data on prompt on the website/apps such as your name’, ‘email ID’ or photographs.
We also collect generic information about your browser and location if within the public domain using cookies as under the accepted practices, applicable to all website/apps online.

2. Who is collecting data

Data is being collected by Firng, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 and having its registered office at Mumbai
In case of any dispute or clarification kindly e-mail at

3. How we will use this information

We will use this information inter-alia for the following purposes:
a. To notify you, if you agree when you register on our website/apps, of our new services, if any, that we offer and we think may be of interest to you, now or in the future. If you no longer wish to receive these notifications or mails, you can opt out at any time using the option that will be there on every mailer you may receive.
b. To notify you of competition results or give general competition information when you register or take part in any of our polls or competitions.
c. To ask you to participate in one of our surveys or competition or to ask you to provide feedback on any particular services we provide or help improve the user experience for our broadcast channels for our websites/apps.
d. To improve the user experience on our website/apps through the use of cookies and data analytics.

4. How data is stored and with whom it could be shared

Data inputs (basic personal data) - name, email address are stored on our CRM system which is accessible by the operators and our internal marketing team and any other relevant team for the above-mentioned purposes.
Without prejudice to any communications made to comply with legal or contractual obligations, data may also be disclosed to external parties as required by laws or regulations (e.g. court, tribunal, regulatory authority or Governmental entity).
When we share your information with other entities within our group or contracted third party companies, we take all reasonable steps to ensure that your information and privacy are protected in line with the applicable legal obligations.

5. Cookies

Cookies are small text files that websites/apps save locally to your computer, which allow sites to store and use information during your visit. They can improve your experience when using a website/apps by (a) remembering preferences, so you don’t have to keep re-entering your choices when you visit again (2) measuring how you use a site, so that changes can be made to ensure it meets your needs.
None of our cookies used for our site can be used to identify you personally. They are just used to help us make the site better for you. To learn more about cookies and how to manage them, visit where you can also find information on how to turn them off. Read on to find out more about how we use cookies.
We only use analytics cookies to track anonymous usage statistics and do not collect any personal information that can be used to identify you. This helps us analyse data about webpage usage and improve our website/apps in order to tailor it to customer needs.
All modern browsers will let you change your cookie settings to give you broad control over whether cookies can be set or not. For more information, visit the help section for the browser you use.

6. Other websites/apps

This privacy notice applies only to this site which contains links to other brand websites/apps owned by Firng And / or its associate / affiliate entities.

7. Jurisdiction

The Courts of Mumbai, India shall have sole and exclusive jurisdiction in all matters pertaining to the use of the website/apps and the privacy policy therein.

8. Facebook Data Deletion

Firng is a an OTT app and we do not save your personal data in our server. According to Facebook policy, we have to provide User Data Deletion Callback URL or Data Deletion Instructions URL. When You Create Your Firng Account Using Facebook, We Take Your Public Name And Public Email ID If It Is Available.

If you want to delete your activities for Firng, you can remove your information by following these steps:

1. Go to your Facebook Account’s Setting & Privacy. Click “Settings”

2. Look for “Apps and Websites” and you will see all of the apps and websites you linked with your Facebook.

3. Search and Click Firng in the search bar.

4. Scroll and click “Remove”.

5. Congratulations, you have succesfully removed your app activities. All Your Details That Firng Had Stored Will Also Be Deleted.